
Configuration file
...Sample configuration file
...See where Samba reads its configuration file from
...Share a mount point without any password at all
...Setting per-user security
...Validate smb.conf
This page gathers information concerning the configuration of Samba on Unix hosts. Samba is operational on most Unix flavours. It helps share drives and printers with Windows hosts.
Those notes are for Debian / Ubuntu only.
Those notes are for Solaris / OpenSolaris only.

OS Packages Services Default location for smb.conf
Debian samba, smbclient /etc/init.d/samba start
Solaris installed by default /etc/sfw/smb.conf
OpenSolaris / OpenIndiana installed by default svc:/network/samba:default

Configuration file

Sample configuration file

        server string = Boureautic Samba Server
        security = SHARE
        log file = /var/samba/log/log.%m
        max log size = 50
        dns proxy = No
        read only = No
        hosts allow = 192.168.0., 127.

        comment = Home Directories
        browseable = No

        comment = Repertoires de sauvegardes sur Boureautic
        path = /mnt/win_e/sauvegardes
        guest ok = Yes

See where Samba reads its configuration file from

smbd -b | grep conf
Solaris 10:
smbd is located in /usr/sfw/bin.

Share a mount point without any password

To share a mount point with a host running Windows without any password:
guest ok = Yes
read only = No
security = SHARE
Of course, this is insecure !

User security settings

If user per-user security settings, you must first set passwords using smbpasswd:

smbpasswd -a -U <username>

smbpasswd is located in /usr/sfw/bin for Solaris 10.

Validate smb.conf

To test your smb.conf file, use testparm <smb.conf file>.

Solaris 10:
testparm is located in /usr/sfw/bin.


  • Find out what shares are available on a given host:
    smbclient -L hostname -I <IP address>
  • access a given share:
    smbclient //hostsname/share -U username -I <IP address>
    smbclient \\\\hostname\\sharename -U username
To detect an Apple Time Capsule:
smbclient --no-pass -L IPAddress
Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Apple Base Station] Server=[CIFS 4.32]
On OpenIndiana:
smbutil view "//WORKGROUP;username@IPaddress"
Share        Type       Comment
IPC$         IPC        
Data         disk       

2 shares listed from 2 available
The workgroup can be an IP address.


To mount a share as a filesystem:
On Linux,
mount -t cifs [--verbose] -o user="WORKGROUP/Username%password",sec=ntlm //host/share /mnt/point
On OpenSolaris,
modload -p drv/nsmb
modload -p fs/smbfs
devfsadm -i nsmb
pfexec mount -f smbfs //server/share /mntpoint
To mount an Apple TimeCapsule for instance:
pfexec mount -F smbfs -o fileperms=0777,dirperms=0777 "//WORKGROUP;User:password@host/share" /mntpoint
The corresponding line can be added to /etc/vfstab to automate the mounting.
//WORKGROUP;User:password@host/share   -       /mntpoint        smbfs   -       no      fileperms=0777,dirperms=0777
and then to mount:
pfexec mount /mnt/timecapsule


To disable SWAT on Debian:
  1. disable localhost:901, in/etc/inetd.conf
  2. then kill -1 inetd to restart.
To disable SWAT on OpenSolaris: stop the svc:/network/swat:default service :
svcadm disable svc:/network/swat:default


net rpc shutdown -I ipAddressOfWindowsPC -U username%password
net rpc shutdown -r : reboot the Windows machine

net rpc abortshutdown : abort shutdown of the Windows machine
See prefetch blog